Reading Workshop
Unit 1: Reading Growth Spurts
Unit 2: Becoming Experts: Reading Non-fiction
Unit 3: Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading Power
Unit 4: Series Book Club
Writing Workshop
Unit 1: Improving Narrative Writing
Unit 2: Lab Reports and Science Books
Unit 3: Writing About Reading
Unit 4: Big Thoughts in Small Packages
Eureka Math Modules
Module 1: Sums and Differences Up To 100
Module 2: Addition and Subtraction of Length Units
Module 3: Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000
Module 4: Addition and Subtraction within 200 with World Problems to 100.
Module 5: Addition and Subtraction within 1000 with World Problems to 100.
Module 6: Foundations of Multiplication and Division
Module 7: Problem Solving with Length, Money, and Data
Module 8: Time, Shapes, and Fractions as equal Parts of Shapes
Monica Pula
Jacqueline Mendez
Eric Pittman
Beatriz Mora